If you have any questions about using Inkpath, please email northernbridge.admin@newcastle.ac.uk in the first instance. We’ll add responses to frequently asked questions to the list below:
Why Inkpath?
Inkpath enables the Northern Bridge Consortium to manage a number of cohort development and training events for all its award-holders across seven institutions on one platform. As an award-holder, you’ll have a single, consistent means by which you can access available training and book your place. For Northern Bridge managers and directors, it helps us provide our funder, the AHRC, with essential details on training and engagement.
Does Inkpath replace the training and development recording system(s) at my home institution?
No, and this is very important: if your home institution operates systems by which you record your training and development and which may, for example, feed into activities such as your annual progress review, you should continue to use those systems as directed. Inkpath will include Northern Bridge Consortium-funded activities only. While we would generally encourage you to also use Inkpath to make your own record of any other activities you undertake, to take advantage of its lifetime access and export facility, you are not obliged to. That will be at your discretion and we would not want to insist on duplicate effort.
Other than training arranged by Northern Bridge, what else should record in Inkpath?
Any individual activity directly arising from your studentship. For example, we expect all award-holders to report on any placements, fieldwork, impact, conference presentation, and specific training, etc., you have received funding to undertake, via Northern Bridge. You can do this via the home screen in Inkpath and Create Activity, where you’ll find a number of Activity Type options to choose from. You can mark these as Private, but reporting on funded individual activities is mandatory and, if not via Inkpath, you will be asked to provide a report for AHRC Annual Reporting purposes.
Is my data safe?
Yes, and your data is yours. Inkpath are fully compliant with General Data Protection Regulation and, in that respect, act as a ‘data processor’ for any personal data about you provided by you or by the Northern Bridge Consortium. To allay concerns, we strongly suggest you read their Privacy Policy at: https://www.app.inkpath.co.uk/law/privacy_policy