For Award-holders
Below, current Northern Bridge Consortium studentship award-holders will find the application forms and guidances notes for the various funding opportunities available.
All guidance should be read in conjunction with the: Eligible Costs and the Reimbursement of Expenses for Northern Bridge Consortium (NBC) Studentship Award-holders - This document is undergoing review. A revised version will be published in due course.
The Cohort Development and Innovation Scheme (Student-led) funds innovative training programmes, events and activities. The NBCDTP Academic Directors will receive, evaluate, and prioritise innovative proposals for generic and specialised research training that emerge from the cohort of NBCDTP students:
- Cohort Development and Innovation Scheme Guidance
- Cohort Development and Innovation Scheme Application Form
The NBCDTP also welcomes supervisors of award-holders, as well as representatives of Strategic Partners, Postgraduate Research Directors, and our colleagues in Careers, Library, IT and Language Services to submit proposals for cohort training and development initiatives:
The NBCDTP runs a number of Cohort Development events during the academic year: the Autumn Induction conference (new award-holders only); the Summer School (all award-holders) and the Completion and Leadership Workshop (award-holders going into their final year of funded study). Attendance is mandatory. If you are unable to attend, you must complete and submit the exemption form:
Risk Assessment
The Risk Assessment Form should accompany applications to the:
- Placement Scheme
- Large Grant Scheme
- Small Grant Scheme
- Student-led Cohort Development Scheme
for all overseas activities and/or where potential risks (such as working with hazardous materials) can be identified. Northern Bridge Consortium Academic Directors may return applications to award-holders where a Risk Assessment has not been included but deemed necessary to assess the application.
Please note: this Risk Assessment form does not replace any university-, school-, or department-specific Risk Assessment process. You may be asked to complete a separate Risk Assessment by your home university if your proposed activities trigger local protocols. Funding approved by the NBC is considered provisional in these instances, and subject to the approval of internal Risk Assessment processes.